Fire Door Inspections

Do my doors need to be inspected?

In the wake of the tragic Grenfell Tower fire, the UK government has been compelled to introduce pivotal changes to fire safety legislation. The aim is to prevent similar disasters and elevate overall safety standards.

Let’s examine three key legislative instruments that significantly impact fire safety standards within England: The Fire Safety Act 2021, the Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022, and the specific stipulations under Fire Doors (Regulation 10). These documents serve as fundamental frameworks, outlining responsibilities and establishing precise requirements.

While the Fire Safety Act 2021 lays the groundwork by defining roles and responsibilities, particularly concerning flat entrance doors, the Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022, in particular Regulation 10, provide the technical details that set concrete standards for compliance. Understanding these regulations and specific rules is crucial for Responsible Persons, building owners, and managing agents to ensure safety and sidestep legal repercussions.

fire damage with no fire risk assessment

Regulation 10 Compliant

Fire Door Inspections

West Yorkshire Fire Safety’s fire door assessments are conducted by accredited fire door inspectors, giving you peace of mind

Regulation 10 FS(England) Regs

The responsible person, in relation to a building which contains two or more sets of domestic premises and which is above 11 metres in height, must use best endeavours to undertake checks of fire doors at the entrances of individual domestic premises in the building at least every 12 months

Our Risk Assessors

Our risk assessors have years of experience in the fire service. They have achieved Member grade of the Institution of Fire Engineers (IFE) and are FireQual accredited fire door inspectors

The Site Visit

Out risk assessor will contact you before the inspection and agree the parameters of the inspection. They will ask you to have available certain information to assist with the inspection. Each door will be inspected looking at frame, door leaf, door furniture, glazing and clodsing devices.

The Report

Within 5 working days of our visit, you will receive a comprehensive condition report for each door. The report will give the details of the door, giving it a unique identifying code. The report will explain all remedial actions required to ensure the door will perform as was intended at the time of installation.

Logo referring to approved inspector of fire doors
Premier fire safety company

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